Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What is one advice that someone gave you and at first,?

you thought that it is not useful at all but after that you just realised that it was really helpful?!What is one advice that someone gave you and at first,?
';When someone keeps texting you mean and harrassing comments, just don't respond. No response will hurt the person more than any words you will type.';

At first I didn't believe the person, but today I realised that this really works. It annoys the harrassing person more if you just ignore them. =)What is one advice that someone gave you and at first,?
stay away from her, lol
When I was a teen I was always told to never take anything for granted. Simple things, like hearing and vision, life itself. Then when I was 25, I got really sick and almost died. I lost most of my hearing, and had to learn to walk again. I never thought something like that would happen to me, but it did.
Go see the realtors if you want more loans! .... Yeah the realtors aren't selling SH** so that was a waist of time!
look both ways before you cross a street
I don't know but there were lots of times like that.
you can't expect others to help you, you have to help yourself.
To quit trying to find love and wait for it to find you. Didn't realize they were right until I tried it.
';When on the ladder of success, don't let boys look up your dress!';
Dont ever smoke

Education is important

Stop and smell the flowers,once in a while

A bargain is not a bargain unless you need it

Love thy neighbour

Treat people as you would like to be treated

Never forget your manners

Respect your elders

Dont bite the hand that feeds you

:) x
Dont say ';I love you'; if you dont mean it.
never tell your brother you took his football unless you have cooked him brownies.
always go with my gut its never wrong
That I was too young to date, sorry roxanne if you're reading this!
drinking 24 cans of coke a day will rot your teeth.................they were sooooooooo right :0(
';What you see depends mainly on what you look for.';

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