Sunday, August 22, 2010

Survey: What's the best advice you could give me?

Carpe diem (live life to its fullest), make your own adventures, never give up, never give in, always move ahead, live in the present, learn from the past, and don't worry/stress about the future. Finally, dukka I think it is. Its a buddist teaching which means all life is suffering. To me this means that all life is suffering but because of that we have to fight that suffering and make our own happiness no matter what. Happiness is what we make it.Survey: What's the best advice you could give me?
Run with scissors, stare directly at the sun, and if a strange man offers you a lollipop and a ride in his van, take it.Survey: What's the best advice you could give me?
it takes more muscles to frown then to smile! =)

everything happens for a reason!

everything will work out in the end, if it doesnt work out, its not the end
Get yours, love your Mom and use rubbers. And NEVER go anal to oral. That's just nasty...
You should always wipe front to back.
Don't play in traffic. You're NOT invincible and things CAN hurt you.

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