Thursday, August 19, 2010

Best relationship advice you were ever given?

let me know!Best relationship advice you were ever given?
Keep open communication. That is what I tell every person who seeks my advice.Best relationship advice you were ever given?
Never forgive a cheater, they will just do it again.

You can't be friends with an ex too soon, or you will just realize that you still have feelings for them.

If a guy starts talking about sex too soon, that's probably all he wants from you.

If he says ';I love you'; too soon, he's not being genuine.

You can't change a guy no matter what you think.
your first relationship is usually ur learning experience, once u have moved on and have bettered the way u are in relationships u will never forget what u could have done differently to make ur first one work.... till this day i wonder that.. n i am confused that i might still be in love with my first bf even though i am now engaged.
I've learned that you learn the things you needed to know... AFTER you get your heart broken. I've learned that when you have nothing, you realize everything. I've learned that love is real.... and it makes you feel absolutely wonderful. It's full of indescribable feelings... good and bad.
trhe same advice I always get, both online and off.

Don't look for love and let love look for you.

I'm reaching 28 this year and still nothing's happened yet. Only wrong numbers, or assumed wrong numbers, and lies.
to a guy, i would say ';take time to know her';

to a girl, i would say ';listen to your heart';

i am not sure how successful either of those have been.
Live with them before you marry them! And in a marriage don't dwell on stuff learn to let it go!
listen to your friends about a guy

they are almost ALWAYS right =)

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