Moro: Your questions make no sense at all, if English is not your first language I suggest you ask these questions under your country so you can get better answers than the stupid ones we are going to give you because to be honest, none of your questions make any sense what so ever.
What advice do you want for a Doberman? Be more specific but most of all speak english.What you advice me when i brind a dober man dog?
Do you mean breed? If so, the answer is don't and get your dog spayed or neutered.
Your question still makes no sense. Bring where? Bring it home? If you're getting a new puppy, you do the same thing you do with every new puppy.What you advice me when i brind a dober man dog?
put away all breakable stuff. train it very well. spay or neuter it. and make sure it has a LOT of exercise.
I have nothing intellegent to add to this wonderful question... but weinemaner mom... (spelling ??) that was the best answer that I have ever seen in my life!!! Epic question and epic answer... really!!! lmao!
Continually baste it until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees.
spay or neuter your DOBERMAN.
I don't think we brind Dober man dogs round these parts.
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