Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why do some people find it necessary to be so rude when you legitimately ask for advice?

Lack of repect.

Anonimity allows for it.

Chin up.Why do some people find it necessary to be so rude when you legitimately ask for advice?
I know. I agree. You are just on here to ask for help or to give help and some people are just rude.Why do some people find it necessary to be so rude when you legitimately ask for advice?
Sorry, sarcasm IS rude, this site seems to need reminded when you are asking a legit question! Email me anytime lil sister!
Because people are generally unhappy, and it gives them pleasure to make others feel bad.

I always try to answer the legitimate questions with helpful information if I can.

Don't let them get you down. Of couse to answer a dumb question from time to time with levity is ok as long as you don't cross the line of being mean and condescending.
you know i really want to know this too b/c it has happened a lot to me lately. i think they just answer with random stuff just to get points.
They do not have manners.
I truly hope I have not stepped on any ones toes in here.

I am known to make remarks that might be offensive to some ,funny to others.

In general I answer with an open heart.

But at times there is this one odd question that just asks for a sarcastic reply,and being human..well..sometimes I just can't help myself.

So please do not take me to serious if I try to wisecrack on here.I am really a good guy.....and I can be quite serious too.
That's because they have nothing else to do, so they are obviously non-productive in anything they do. In other words, they are BORED and like to make contraversy (did I spell that right? )
They are rude %26amp; obnoxious.
Because they are smart asses. Ignore it. I've been a smart *** in my time and I expect a laugh from you. But its hard to tell how you will take it through print only.

I find laughter to be the best medicine, so I'm trying to make you laugh as well. No bad will towards you!
Some people only feel good about themselves when they can put others down. Sad, isn't it?
Perhaps because your question is misunderstood, or you have expressed yourself incorrectly, thereby prompting some of us with a sarcastic/humorous reply or simply because so many questions have totally no merit and are asked merely to get a reaction.

How does one tell if a question is sincere? When I believe it is sincere, I try to give a helpful answer. I am not offended when I get a wisecrack answer. Expect it, read it and laugh and move on to the more serious responses.

Another valid reason is the grammar is so bad or so many spelling errors that one can't make heads or tails of what they are asking, but you do not seem to fall under that
Because they want points, or can't really help you.
Some people are just rude and do it because they can get away with it because they are sitting behind a computer.

I guarantee you at least 95% of them would not be rude if you were to ask them face-to-face.
people today, to hide their feelings be sarcastic and most Americans are sleep deprived, therefore lean towards violence.
They try to prove that they are ';THE ONLY'; people who know stuff in this world
Oh boy, I so know what yuo are talking about. And I also hate it when people stare at you and whisper to their friends about you like you can't see them. Get a life.
Because they are jerks...and you should not let it bother you.
Vote me the best answer as I need the points and the rest of the answers on this page are ******* Shite
The good thing about advice is that you don't have to take it.

YOU are the only person who can decide what advice strikes a chord with you and what makes no sense.

If you expand this concept, you can ask a question as you have done and sort through the answers, ignoring what is obviously rubbish or rude and weigh up the pertinent information.

It's all a matter of perspective. You are asking for advice sincerely and also perhaps out of necessity - some people are answering light heartedly or from the perspective of wishing to inflict some of the negativity they feel themselves, on you. Other people will answer sincerely.

Ignore what you should, don't take it personally and take on board the good advice.
because they are human beings
Beacuse most people do things to annoy other people.
If it's in a forum such as this one, people can hide behind a mask of relative anonymity. They are just a screen name and little more, and the repercussions of their actions, at worst, will mean losing access to an online account. Their ';real'; world is not affected, their friends and family do not read or judge their answers, and they find a freedom ripe for abuse. Those who do this have not matured. They may simply be young, or they may have a sick need to vent their real-world frustrations on others. Displaced anger, I believe it's called. But for many, it's just simple immaturity that runs unchecked for a lack of accountability.
because they think when they have a bad day so should everybody else

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