Thursday, July 29, 2010

What do you do about a dream? please read if you can give any relationship advice?

My girlfriend had a dream, but ill start at the beginning. i told her a long time ago that one of her friends liked her more then a friend, and she didnt believe me. and a couple weeks later other people said the same thing and so she asked him and he said he didnt. about 10 minutes later she gets a call from him saying that he lied to her and he did. and about 2 weeks ago he comes up to me and tells me he deffinatley doesnt like her like that, and a couple days later my girlfried tells me they were talking and he told he he did still like her. so i have no trust in him what-so-ever. and then i hear that she told him in her own words, '; have made out with many guys in my dreams except they were never [me] a few times but never [me] o well i just wont tell him that...he would probably kill you if i told him that';. wft is that all about!!!

i know this is kinda long but hopefully somebody reads thisWhat do you do about a dream? please read if you can give any relationship advice?
Im not relationship expert but I do know that dreams are usually physcological things... if you think about something a lot or you're worried about something you dream about it.... if i were you i'd be worriedWhat do you do about a dream? please read if you can give any relationship advice?
It sounds like maybe your girlfriend is a little doubtful. It'd be one thing if she confided this in a friend (girl) but she confided it to a guy that likes her. You should talk to her about this.
She likes your friend and doesn't want to come right out and tell you. She doesn't want to hurt your feelings. Hint hint. Time to go girlfriend shopping.

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