Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Do you know how much Universal Health Care will cost? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?

How much taxes will Clinton raise when she in the White House?Do you know how much Universal Health Care will cost? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
I imagine it will cost us all about 2500-3000 dollars a year. I have no link to offer to you, only hear say from talk radioDo you know how much Universal Health Care will cost? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
I doubt anyone knows what the final bill will be for Universal Health Care

I also doubt it will be Clinton raising taxes

One does not need a degree in economics to see that a massive overhaul in taxes will be needed, and very soon. Be it by a republican or a democrat. You can not continue to operate any budget on negative income, be it personal, city or town, county, state or federal. If revenue is cut somewhere, it will have to be replaced with a source of revenue from another source Voodoo economics as well as trickle down economics do not work, did not work when Ronny and DADDY tried it, and it sure as hell will not work tomorrow.

Public services are needed, and those services have to be paid for. Your taxes pay for many unimportant services such as clean safe drinking water, Police %26amp; Fire departments. Streets, Roads, and highway infrastructure such as the Interstate highway system, along with bridges.

The list of ';Unnecessary'; things are endless, most of them funded via taxes. Be they on the local, state, county or federal level.
The whole idea is that we will spend much less as a country than we do now. The ultimate savings would be if we removed the ';profit sector'; from health care, insurance, and medicine. We could easily cut costs by 30%. And while cutting costs, we could improve services at the same time. Do you like the idea of some faceless bureaucrat working for some ';for profit'; insurance company deciding what procedures, and medications you will receive? Wouldn't it be MUCH better to leave those choices between a doctor and patient?
Hope...the biggest cost will not be in dollars and sense, but in further governmental control in our lives.

Stew...the government is not the answer to all of the world's problems. It is NOT progress when the government takes over control of your health care. Ask Canada. It is a disaster. We Americans need to stop looking at government to take care of us. Our government has proven its incompetency in that through the welfare system, social security, and countless other programs. Why would anyone be fool enough to believe that they will handle this program any better than the others?
It will cost us more than we can afford to give.

We already pay 30% of our income to disfunctional government programs and this is only to a portion of the population. If we provide everyone with healthcare, you better be prepared to turn over 60% of your income.
Stew: You are the fanatic. You believe that government is a solution. Here is what's going on in Liberal NY state, and the liberals refuse to see how government unions get all the money and the children and poor get the shaft....

The last time I heard about Hillary's plan, it was around $110 billion first year cost to tax payers.

Who do you people think will pay for this Universal Health Care? The people through taxes (not free)

No Tax increases, how will they pay for all the new entitlement programs?
Job losses will be a bigger concern than taxes as this approach moves the economy closer to a depression. Then will come the realization that medical care is rationed and there are waiting lists like in all the other countries like Canada.
It will never happen in the US. In Canada we can barely afford it. We have lotteries to pay for research and development.

Canadians taxes are too high as it is. Your system is much better in this respect
Research David Walker the former comptroller general of the GAO. He said that our Medicaid (or medicare) and Social Security will be bankrupt by 2030 so nevermind bringing Universal Healthcare to the United States.

Sorry no specific amount.
Taxes are not going to be raised. This country will save billions when this war ends.

But it is all the republicanT fanatics who are scared to see positive change that are claiming taxes will sky rocket.
If it costs me one red cent it's too much. I'm not into paying for someone to get free health care. I joined the military and got mine.
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