I'm around 14 and have been experiencing some sexual attractions to men. I still want to grow up and have a family, but I'm still open to the idea of having interactions with other males.
The problem is that my family and I are all christians. How do I come open about this. Should I say anything or just keep quiet. The other question is should I really try to start relationships or just stay to myself.
Please no criticism. I now how and i feel and i don't want people telling me otherwise.I'm a young teenager who thinks I might be Bi. Can you give some advice.?
First of all. It is common for a guy your age to have feelings for another guy. My advise to you is this;
Just wait a while. Maybe a year or so. And if your feelings don't change or esclade, then there is a chance that you may be bi.
As to coming out to your parents and friends all depends on your attitude. I am a 17 year old gay male living in a small town in Ontario, so it was hard for me to be honest. (Given my surroundings.) This is how i did it. Just take it one person at a time. Start with a friend who is closest to you and will not judge you at all. Then start telling other friends in small groups or one at a time. (Tell as many people that you feel comfortable with. If you don't want to come out, then don't feel pressured to. But you can feel a lot better knowing that you aren't carrying a huge load on your back. It also builds self confidence.)
As for your parents... Sit them down make them comfortable, as them what they think about gays a bis and slowly work your way into it. And remember, they're your parents and they will love you no matter what. there may ben an initial shock, but they will come around And realize that its not a choice.
I hope that i helped you. ANd best of luck in the futur.I'm a young teenager who thinks I might be Bi. Can you give some advice.?
All I can say is do what you feel is comfortable at the moment. Its perfectly fine to be curious or open up to new ideas, but if you feel like you couldn't handle the potential stress it may put on you family then maybe you should wait. If you feel like you are ready to open up to others and maybe start relationships then go ahead. If your family is very Christian then I think that it may be better to wait until you are a lot older and more independent (maybe college if you can wait that while) so you won't feel as inhibited and you have more control over your life. You are only 14 so don't try to rush anything.
Well, you can't fight your feelings towards other males, however it might just be a stage. This actually happens often, wether you realize it or not. Many teenagers question their sexuality, because many changes occur during those years. Since you're only a teenager, you have a long way to go before your sexuality is really decided. For now, you can have attractions to other men, but wait it out. See if you keep these feelings in the next few years. Later on in life, if you really think you're bi, then that's okay. Your family has to be willing to accept your decision.
I can relate..I'm still in the closet, I understand that I'm very much attracted to very good looking men and I'm 29 by now.
I believe in God but don't understand his way or natures way..Its a struggle. The truth is it is what it is..Sooner or later you will have to let go, YOU will be true to your self as G-D made you in his image.
So what ever happens be your self responsibly. Good Luck.
All I can say is don't judge yourself, don't beat yourself up. Never allow yourself to feel inadequate. I did when I first knew I wasn't straight.
But, I wouldn't go telling your family just yet. Like the person above says, it could just be crazy hormones.
You are very young and those feelings might change as you grow older, right now you just might be bi-curious. You might want to keep quiet about this right now with your family.
well sweetie i recomend you just expirament with someone preforabley someone you know and go from there then if u think ur bi then u can decide to come out or not i hope this helps xoxo best wishes
your just very curious just go and try it out if you dont like it then you know what you like
During your teen years, hormones are racing. Things you feel now will not be what you feel in 5 or 10 years. If I had sex with every guy and girl I found attractive in my teen years, I would have set some kind of world record. Many boys do feel sexual attraction to other boys in their teenage years. Many even have sex and relationships. But many do ';grow'; out of it. If you're curious, I think it's okay to date and kiss another boy but don't go beyond that. If you feel very satisfied romantically with that, you could be gay. If that's not enough and you just want to make out, that's just probably just normal boy hormones. Though I always found women attractive, I wasn't really sure until I was older and it became a little more black and white.
You aren't the only gay Christian in the world, for sure! Check out the Gay Christian Network and other websites I reference below. GCN has a special age forum just for young guys like you, called ';Cinnamon Waffles';.
Just follow your heart and be the wisest boy you can.
Do NOT come out to your family unless you have boyfriend in hand, and preferably are on your own and financially independent -- UNLESS your family demonstrates that they are not homophobic. After all, if you are bi, you still might end up with a girl.
Be honest with your passion, energy level and attraction. If a boy really, really really turns you on high, admit that to yourself and follow it up if he seems nice and trustworthy and feels likewise. If a girl really, really, really turns you on high, feel free to date her.
Just be truthful and don't lead people on .
Big hugs to a brave, honest boy. God bless you!
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